孔固定行程开关是一种久经考验且世界知名的开关,而安士能新型EGM8开关是一种小型单孔固定行程开关。该开关可用于所有精度要求高且安装空间受限的场合。EGM8采用带M8 x 0.5螺纹的圆形设计,能直接安装在监测位置上。另外,通过细牙螺纹可精确调节开关触点相对于监控挡块的位置。
EGM8的最大特色是高达0.01 mm的操作点精度以及仅0.1 mm的差动行程。集成的开关转换触点可快速响应,可靠传输高电流和低电流。
安士能 – 不仅仅是安全
A brief profile: EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG in Leinfelden is an international family business and employs more than 600 staff worldwide. Fiveteen sales subsidiaries, of which nine are in Europe, four in Asia and two in North and South America, cover the world along with 24 authorized sales offices. The Swabian company is managed by Mr. Stefan Euchner. Switchgear has been developed at EUCHNER for more than 60 years. These devices are used primarily in the field of mechanical engineering. The company has a leading position in safety products. EUCHNER safety switches monitor the position of safety guards on machines and installations electro-mechanically and electronically with a high degree of reliability.