NVIDIA移动业务部门总经理Mike Rayfield表示:“当今的消费者希望便携计算设备能够根据他们特定的需求进行量身定制,同时还能提供与台式个人电脑同样生动和迷人的体验。融合了高性能和超低功耗的NVIDIA Tegra是世界上最小的、全高清片上电脑,同时对于那些希望为一直联网的新一代消费者设计出功能丰富、外形小巧优雅的便携设备的产品制造商而言,它也是一个理想的选择。”
ARM首席执行官Warren East表示:“今天,基于ARM处理器技术的NVIDIA Tegra的发布,是我们与NVIDIA长期且富有成果的合作关系的一个证明。NVIDIA是第一批授权使用ARM11 MPCore多核处理器技术的合作伙伴之一。NVIDIA Tegra的发布标志着在推动下一代计算变革的道路上迈出的重要一步,这场变革是由具有超低功耗、超便携性的移动互联网设备所推动的,ARM也为自己能够身处这一改变未来游戏规则的技术核心而深感自豪。”
ARM11 MPCore多核处理器可根据具体应用的需求在单核至四核的范围内进行自由配置。ARM11 MPCore处理器这一独特的可扩展性为设备OEM厂商提供了最适宜于其应用的性能水平,同时它允许每个处理器分别进入待机、睡眠或关机的能源管理模式,用于帮助控制处理器消耗的动态和静态能源。
以下视频是一段对比Intel芯片和NVidia Tegra芯片功耗的视频,由NVidia工程师录制:(需要安装Flash播放器)
1. That looks really awesome. Please provide more videos, more details. Is it an ARM + DSP based system? Can you have an embedded Linux type OS run on it? Are you measuring 1.3W on your Nvidia laptop including the power consumption of an LED backlit screen? What is the power consumption for browsing the Internet and writing documents? Why aren't you working with OLPC to create the next generation HD-capable lower power and lower priced laptop?
2. oh ffs, you wanna compare a motherboard with a video chip? cmon... and i hope you don't expect me (or anyone else) to blindly believe those power measurements without any details. i am a big fan of you guys but this is too much.
3. I don't think he's measuring the display power on either as either of those just the main board power.
The intel board looks like an Atom or A110 from the chip die I guess the GMA must use a fair amount of power when playing video but then a typical north bridge does use about 7 watts or so plus the GMA 950 or what ever.
If the entire tegra system including display driver is using just 1.3 watts that is extremely impressive.